Our judges are ready for your pictures that celebrate your memories camping and RVing in lovely Camp Cardinal in Hayes. Your picture could win you up to $1,000 in the first-ever Camp Cardinal Photo Contest, so we’re introducing you to the judges one by one. We have lined up a panel of 5 esteemed community members who will judge the submitted photos on originality, technical excellence, composition and overall story.
Remember, winners will be announced through Instagram and Facebook and on the website on or about Dec. 1, 2023.

Judge: Lewie Lawrence
His bio in a nutshell: Since 1997, Lewie has been the Executive Director of the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission, where he is the chief problem solver for complex public policy issues facing local governments of that region. He holds a master’s degree in city/urban, community and regional planning from University of Memphis and a bachelor’s in business/real estate from Christopher Newport University. He and his wife Lisa, have two adult children, Jillian and Lewis.
What Lewie looks for in a photo: Does it capture the essence of the moment? Is it timeless, meaning could it be black and white and 100 years old and still have the same “wow” or “sense of place?”
What Lewie loves about Virginia outdoors? Every day, morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night present a moment to capture something special, especially what Mother Nature provides.