How to Build the Perfect Campfire: A Step-by-Step Guide

Group of campers gathered around a warm campfire at night at Camp Cardinal RV Resort.

There’s nothing quite like gathering around a crackling campfire at Camp Cardinal RV Resort—whether it’s for toasting s’mores, sharing stories, or simply soaking in the warmth under the stars. But before you can enjoy the fire, you need to know how to build one properly and safely.

Follow this step-by-step guide to create the perfect campfire every time!

Step 1: Choose the Right Spot

If you’re camping at Camp Cardinal, use one of the designated fire rings at your site, or the fire bowls at the Point overlooking the water, to ensure safety and environmental protection. If you’re in a more primitive setting, pick a clear, level area away from trees, tents, and anything flammable.

Tip: Always check fire regulations in your area before building a fire!

Step 2: Gather Your Firewood

A great campfire needs the right mix of materials:

  • Tinder – Small, dry materials like pine needles, leaves, or shredded paper to catch the first spark.
  • Kindling – Small sticks and twigs (about the size of a pencil) that help build the fire’s heat.
  • Firewood – Larger logs that sustain the fire and keep it burning for hours.
Campers relaxing by a campfire near a green tent with a lakeside view at Camp Cardinal.

Step 3: Build Your Fire Structure

There are different ways to stack your wood for an efficient burn. Try one of these methods:

  • Teepee Style – Arrange kindling in a cone shape around the tinder. Light the center, and as it burns, add larger logs.
  •  Log Cabin Style – Stack logs in a square shape, placing tinder and kindling inside. This allows for good airflow and a steady flame.
  • Lean-To Style – Place a large log as a windbreak, then lean kindling against it. Light the tinder underneath.

Step 4: Light the Fire

Using matches, a lighter, or a fire starter, ignite the tinder at the base. Blow gently to encourage the flames, and once the kindling catches, gradually add larger logs.

Safety Reminder: Never use gasoline or lighter fluid to start a fire—it can be dangerous!

Pro Tip: Camp Cardinal RV Resort sells fire starters and logs at the Camp Store.

Step 5: Maintain the Fire

Once your fire is burning strong, keep it safe and controlled by following these tips:

  • Add logs gradually to maintain an even burn.
  • Never leave your fire unattended.
  • Keep a bucket of water or sand nearby in case you need to put it out quickly.
A safe campfire setup in a designated fire ring at Camp Cardinal, ideal for camping safety.

Step 6: Extinguish the Fire Properly

When you’re ready to call it a night, completely put out the fire by following these steps:

  1. Pour water over the embers and stir with a stick to ensure all ashes are cool.
  2. Repeat until no hissing sounds remain.
  3. Check with the back of your hand (without touching) to ensure no heat remains.

Ready to Enjoy Your Next Campfire?

Now that you know how to build the perfect campfire, it’s time to put your skills to the test at Camp Cardinal RV Resort. Book your stay at Camp Cardinal and start your next outdoor adventure!