What’s for dinner at Camp Cardinal?
If seafood sounds good, use the Bay Direct app to find the freshest, local seafood nearby that you can prepare over a fresh fire or on a grill, or if you’re staying overnight in one of the cottages, on the stove.
Here’s how the app works.

Local anglers, watermen, restaurateurs, farmers’ markets and other businesses post their available harvest — in addition to fish, you might find fruits and vegetables. The app includes features such as using GPS to find the closest location with fresh seafood for sale, so if you are new to the area or visiting, Bay Direct helps figure out where to find what you’re looking for.
We’re talking fresh off the boat seafood. It’s helpful to have cash with you as some providers don’t accept checks or credit cards. A cooler is also handy for your fresh catch.

The app is free and can be downloaded on the App Store or Google Play. If you don’t have a smartphone, visit baydirectva.com.
Bonus: The app also includes cleaning and cutting tips (helpful if you’ve just spent the day fishing on the Severn River) along with some mouthwatering recipes, including Crab Cakes and Roasted Oysters.
If you found your fresh fish using the App, please let the community know so the app continues to grow.

Pictured: crabs getting harvested in the Severn River by Knott Alone – Hold Fast, a nonprofit on a mission to get fellow military veterans out on the waters of the Chesapeake Bay as a way to help overcome personal challenges following combat service. They find peace, purpose and healing together…and purchasing seafood from them helps to continue fund their mission. They often have seafood for sale on the app. Learn more here.